the “Little Thailand Way” Street Naming Ceremony

the “Little Thailand Way” Street Naming Ceremony

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 27 Sep 2022

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 27 Sep 2022

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On 24 September 2022, Consul General Fabio Chinda delivered congratulatory remarks at the “Little Thailand Way” Street Naming Ceremony, which was held at 77th street and Woodside Avenue, Queens, New York City.
     The New York City Council has declared that the neighborhood of the 76th to 79th streets on Woodside Avenue is named “Little Thailand Way” to reflect the identity of the Thai community which comprises a large number of Thai restaurants and businesses, as well as in proximity with Buddha Thai Thavorn Vanaram Temple, a center of Thai Buddhist activities.
     The street co-naming of “Little Thailand Way” is a historic milestone of the Thai community for the recognition as part of New York City’s multicultural society, and a tangle outcome of the community’s striving businesses and continuous organization of cultural events, thus making it a well-known destination for Thai food and culture. Moreover, it demonstrates the close coordination between the community and the New York City authorities in doing businesses and actualizing this street co-naming. 
     At the opening, Consul General Chinda delivered his speech, along with Mr. Juttana Rimreartwate (Moo) and Mr. Virachart Pokpoonpipat, the active community leaders, as well as Mr. Shekar Krishnan, NYC Council Member, Mr. Daniel Dromm, the former NYC Council Member, Mr. Thomas DiNapoli, NYS Comptroller, representatives from relevant NYS/NYCagencies, and Ms. Jessica Gonzalez-Rojas, NYS Assembly Member who offered Mr. Rimreartwate a certificate of congratulations.
In addition, the Royal Thai Consulate General in cooperation with Team Thailand agencies, including Thai Trade Center, Thailand Board of Investment, Tourism Authority of Thailand, Bank of Thailand Representative Office, and Bangkok Bank, set up a booth to provide information about Thailand with fun activities to engage with the public. Moreover, Consul General Chinda and Mrs. Maneevarong Chinda, his spouse, also joined with the local music band and Thai traditional music band to entertain the cheerful crowds. 
     In this occasion, the Royal Thai Consulate General wishes to congratulate every person involved in making “Little Thailand Way” formally recognized, admirably portraying the pride and the harmony of the Thai community in NYC.


