Open street for the first anniversary of Little Thailand Way

Open street for the first anniversary of Little Thailand Way

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 30 Oct 2023

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 30 Oct 2023

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   On October 28, 2023, Consul General Somjai Taphaopong attended the Open Street event, especially held on the occasion of the first anniversary of Little Thailand Way. This event was hosted by the Thai Community USA NYC in cooperation with the Thai community and the NYC authorities.
   At the opening ceremony, Consul General Somjai conveyed her congratulatory message on the first anniversary of Little Thailand Way, with appreciation extended to those involved in organizing the event and in contributing to the community. To join the celebration, the Royal Thai Consulate General also set up a booth to provide information relating to consular inquiries, including how to obtain a visa to visit Thailand.
   On the same day, the Consul General also had a chance to greet and congratulate the runners participating in the inaugural Elmhurst Mile, which also took place on Little Thailand Way, to celebrate the admirable diversity of NYC.

