Little Thailand Neighborhood Tour

Little Thailand Neighborhood Tour

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 31 Jul 2023

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 31 Jul 2023

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     On 22 June 2023, Consul Phawinee Chansamran participated in the “Little Thailand Neighborhood Tour”, which was organized by the Thailand Community USA NYC in partnership with the Office of Mr. Steven Raga, NYS Assembly Member, OCA-NY and StoryCorps with an aim to promote the awareness of ‘Little Thailand Way’ among a wider audience.
     During the tour, Mr. Juttana Rimreartwate and Mr. Raga brought the participants on a journey, starting from Buddha Thai Thavorn Vanaram Temple to Little Thailand Way. Through this tour, participants gained valuable knowledge as well as enjoyed the activities and the visit to Thai-owned restaurants and businesses in the area.

