Thai Afternoon Tea at the Consul General’s Residence

Thai Afternoon Tea at the Consul General’s Residence

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 30 Jan 2024

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 30 Jan 2024

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     On January 26, 2024, Consul General Somjai Taphaopong warmly welcomed a group of female Consuls General in New York, together with the Director of Performing Arts, Cultural Programs, and Culture as Diplomacy Initiative of the Asia Society, and representatives from the Thai government agencies in New York, to participate in the “Thai Afternoon Tea” event held at the Consul General’s residence.
     “Thai Afternoon Tea” was aimed to promote Thai ingredients, especially ‘Thai rice’, with the presentation of savories and sweets made with different kinds of Thai rice in the afternoon tea setting, thus demonstrating the versatility of Thai rice that can be charmingly applied in various cooking methods and settings.
     Chef Hong Thaimee, a Thai celebrity chef who is well known both in the U.S. and other countries, took part in introducing the stories of Thai cuisine and the cooking demonstration of Chor-Muang (steamed flower dumplings) by the Consulate’s team. Invited to join the chefs in making their own Chor-Muang, the distinguished guests seemed to enjoy their first-hand experience of cooking, and also tasting delicious and delicate Thai dishes.
     The Royal Thai Consulate General joined the efforts of the Thai Trade Center - New Yorkto echo the popularity of this significant export product of Thailand as well as to further promote Thai products and culture to broader audiences.

