Thailand Showcase at Moon Festival 2023

Thailand Showcase at Moon Festival 2023

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 27 Sep 2023

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 27 Sep 2023

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     The Royal Thai Consulate General supported the "Moon Festival 2023: Multicultural Carnival," held on September 23-24, 2023, at the Tangram Mall in New York City. The event showcased the beauty of Thai culture through artistic fruit and vegetable carving exhibitions and stage demonstrations organized by the Consulate. Additionally, Thai cuisine and cultural performances were presented by the Thai community, led by May Kaidee and Betong-Khao Man Gai restaurants. Thai tourism promotion at the event was as well conducted in collaboration with Tourism Authority of Thailand NA. Consul Phawinee Chansamran also participated in the opening ceremony on Sunday alongside representatives from related organizations.
     The event was organized by the Asian American Activity Center Inc. (AAAC) in partnership with the United Nations Global Peace Development Foundation, several Consulates General, Congresswoman, NYS Senator, NYS Assemblyman, and NYC Councilwoman. The aim was to promote the identity and culture of the Asian American community by presenting various aspects of Asian culture. Thus, this was an excellent opportunity to promote Thai culture and showcase the strength of the Thai community in New York City.

