Meeting Thai Students, Thai Monks and Thai Community in Pennsylvania

Meeting Thai Students, Thai Monks and Thai Community in Pennsylvania

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 12 Oct 2023

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 12 Oct 2023

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     On October 6, 2023, Ambassador Tanee Sangrat, together with his spouse, and Consul General Somjai Taphaopong, met with Thai students studying at the University of Pennsylvania.
    Consul General Somjai greeted and gave a briefing to over 30 Thai students on the Consulate's operation of consular services, the protection of Thai nationals, and engagement with the Thai community and Thai businesses in the jurisdiction areas. She also answered inquiries and exchanged views with the students on various issues.
     On this occasion, Consul General Somjai also paid her respects to Thai Buddhist monks and participated in merit-making activities during the visit to Mongkoltepmunee Temple as well as discussed matters with the Thai community residing in Pennsylvania, who were present at the Temple.

