Consul General Opens Webinar on Thailand’s EV Industry, Affirming Thailand’s Readiness for Foreign Investment

Consul General Opens Webinar on Thailand’s EV Industry, Affirming Thailand’s Readiness for Foreign Investment

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 22 Mar 2024

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 22 Mar 2024

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     On March 20, 2024, Consul General Somjai Taphaopong delivered opening remarks at the webinar titled “Power Progressing Investing in Thailand’s Electric Vehicle Revolution.” This event was hosted by the Thailand Board of Investment (BOI) New York Office and attracted over 50 attendees from Thailand, the United States, and Canada. The opening was followed by insightful presentations from Director Nanthapol Sudbanthad of the BOI New York, and Mr. Siamnat Panassorn, a committee member of the Electric Vehicle Association of Thailand (EVAT) and CEO of Sun-up Recycling Company, on the advanced developments and prospects of the EV industry in Thailand, including investment opportunities and incentives.
     The Consul General highlighted the collaborative efforts of “Team Thailand” in New York in strengthening the relationship between Thailand and the United States across various dimensions as close allies and strategic partners. She also emphasized Thailand's policy commitment to sustainable development, the transformation of Thailand into a future mobility hub under the 'Thailand Vision', as well as underscored Thailand’s readiness to welcome foreign investments in numerous sectors, including the EV industry.

